Saturday, January 12, 2013

Control Freak parents

I just don't get it when parents are real control freaks.

What I mean is, once a child has reached legal majority (18+) the parents still exert extreme control on them as long as they are living at home. For example, controlling access to the internet and/or the computer, where/when they can leave the house, how far they can go away from the house, who they can have as friends, the foods that they may or may not eat, and other such extreme controls.

I understand that "as long as you live in my house you follow my rules" justifies a larger amount of control when they are living at home, but the restrictions have to be reasonable.

I suspect that this lack of understanding rises from the easy relationship I had with my parents. There were rules and boundaries, but they were reasonable and could be explained rationally. There was no "because I said so" arguments, there were reasons -- such as knowing where you were taking the car in case an emergency situation arose (especially before cell phones existed), Additionally, as situations changed (as I got older and more capable) the restrictions could be discussed and even negotiated.

Sure, I rebelled against lots of things as a teenager (I think it is a necessary part of growing up) but the restrictions were imposed by society or school, not my parents. In many cases I actually had my parents support in the fight against the "rules". One consequence of this was a very smooth development of my sexual identity -- I had more trouble with my siblings than with my parents.

But I still don't "get it" when a friend of a friend is being subject to parental control to the extent of being told that he can not even sit on his bed, he can only lie on it if he is going to sleep or is ill. This FOAF also is not allowed to eat or drink "normal" foods and beverages that make up American culture. Absolutely no soda pop, no red meat, God-forbid he partake of a slice of pizza! And there is no apparent rhyme of reason to the restrictions. It seems to me that the control is almost "cult-like" in its restriction.

I'd love to see some comments about how folks dealt with this while you were growing up, or how you deal with restrictions on your own children.

Help me out here.

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